Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kill The Gun

A very powerful bit of visual story telling.


Anonymous said...
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Desidurata said...

What this little vignette fails to say is that it's not the gun that does the damage. It's the individual making the choice to pull the trigger. Guns don't kill. It's the people that use them for evil purposes that kill. Without guns the little video would be about baseball bats, or knives, or frying pans, or bows and arrows, or whatever.

I did like the way they filmed the bullets going through those objects though. Very good videography and well done. There is beauty in a bullet! Who knew.

So the upshot is that take a look around the world at the people that are unable to defend themselves with a weapon, and look at how they are being victimized. Try tyranny at it's utmost and then talk about killing the gun.

You're able to post crap like this only because someone protected your first amendment right with their second amendment right.

Just saying.

Patrick Smith said...

I was only posting "this crap" because it was really powerful visual story telling. I appreciate all of the comments. I'm really not too interested in diving into the politics of the film. That belongs on another blog somewhere. This is blog is about creative inspiration.

Unknown said...

Solusi Keharmonisan Rumah Tangga Anda !!!!


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chengqi said...

Your Bridesmaids Are B*tching About ... The feeltimes dresses. It's too much time, way too short, too pink, too black, too bright, too drab—and too damn expensive. __To Keep the B*tching to a Minimum: __Part to be a bridesmaid is sucking up in the Dress Dept.—you'll never look for a dress that pleases everyone if you don't let them pick their own—but play the role of considerate of the friends' physical structure. (An easy solution: Pick a designer, a color, along with a fabric, then allow them to pick the dress style.) Also, be considerate of the budgets. If you know a $150 bridesmaid dresses is simply too much for any friend, don't offer to chip in (she'll never accept)—just hand her $75 and say, "I know situations are tight at this time, so put this toward your dress. I'm not taking no to have an answer."