Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Kill The Gun
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Make Me A Bicycle Clown
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
How About A Bottle Of Hand Sanitizer with Red & Green Glitter In It?
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Official Beaverisms
• All I should see is your rear end and elbows
• You're like a blind dog in a meat house
• Run through there like a spotted ass ape
• You're running on eggs!
• Fire out and ring his bell
• I'm doing the dog... you're just holdin' the tail
• You may have enough money to burn up a wet elephant
• I don't have to button up my shirt, my heart ain't fallin' out
• Your next few tests are going to be boogers
• I speak bilingual English and profanity
• A blind hog finds somethin' to eat every now and then
• You come in here with that horse play. You'd better tie that horse outside!
• You guys are crazier than a house full of ants
• He doesn't care what I call him just as long as he's not late for supper
• You just bump your gums to hear your head rattle
• I gotta cavity over here and I'm talking with an echo
• I got $10. What does that mean? I got someone else's pants on.
• Currency is paper with dead Presidents on it
• If she had another wrinkle she have to hold it in her hand
• You'll be down in Joliet getting a stripped sun tan
• Throw it back and let the whineo sleep on it
• Sit up. You don't have a rubber neck.
• I almost had a job at the dynamite plant
• How the hell could you be board? You're breathin', you could of been a dandylion
• They'll put you so far back they'll have to feed you with a slingshot
• I'm gonna put a ring around your eye
• My wife wraps my lunch in a road map
• You can read reading, but you can't read writin!
• When Meno & Gohel were Jrs people thought they dressed the side line markers
• How can you be listening to me and be writing the sugar report to somebody?
• We've had that ever since heck was pup
• You don't know rude from bubble gum
• Time to sack the bat
• They say that when you get older the memory is the first to go. I forget what the second is.
• What's a Sail Cat? It's a cat that has been run over so many times you can pick it up and throw it. And boy does it sail. It goes like a shingle.
• You're 2 sandwiches short of a picnic lunch
• You guys never annoy me. It's a slice of heaven every day.
• Stormin ' like a bull at a new gate
• If you want a rocker go to the old folks home
• Maybe if I fill up on the gas tank she'll run away
• Where there's no brains there's a lot of labor
• Some of you guys are just scratchin around the sandbox
• If you don't know your right from left... throw a rock
• When the bell rings I'm outta here like a scolded dog
• You can't ride a good horse to death
• I love all you guys even if some of you are hemorrhoids